Credits and Citations

The HolSys_Hardware and the HS_WebApp can be used for free for scientific proposes, regarding the citation of them in those works. We remind you that all the system demonstrated in this web page are ina beta version and can not work one hundred percentage yet.

For anyone that to use the HolSys_Hardware and HS_WebApp we very appreciate if send us feedbacks, suggestions and critics. Then, we can work on the improvement of the functionalities of the system.

Please, if you use these systems considering to cite some of these works:

  1. Teresa Cacace, Vittorio Bianco, Biagio Mandracchia, Vito Pagliarulo, Emilia Oleandro, Melania Paturzo, and Pietro Ferraro, "Compact off-axis holographic slide microscope: design guidelines," Biomed. Opt. Express 11, 2511-2532 (2020)

  2. Memmolo, P.; Carcagnì, P.; Bianco, V.; Merola, F.; Goncalves da Silva Junior, A.; Garcia Goncalves, L.M.; Ferraro, P.; Distante, C. Learning Diatoms Classification from a Dry Test Slide by Holographic Microscopy. Sensors 2020, 20, 6353.

  3. Pasquale Memmolo, Vittorio Bianco, Pierluigi Carcagnì, Andouglas Goncalves da Silva Junior , Luiz Marcos Garcia Goncalves, Francesco Merola, Melania Paturzo, Cosimo Distante, Pietro Ferraro, "Identification and classification of biological micro-organisms by holographic learning," Proc. SPIE 11060, Optical Methods for Inspection, Characterization, and Imaging of Biomaterials IV, 110600H (21 June 2019);